Pine Grove

Legends and ghostly tales for the most part seem to have consistent themes: The traditional subjects focus on love, hate, anger, good versus evil, and of course, the beloved revenge. However, one ghostly legend of the coal-region takes on a different mantra: self-sacrifice. Although this theme is not a one-off, it is pretty rare.
One legend that has been passed down for generations is one of the Eternal Hunter. Most folklorists and legend scholars agree the tale originated in Germany and over time and settlers relocation made its way to the Anthracite Coal Fields. The tale is believed to span all the way back to the early 1700s when family survival was a daily primary goal.

Legend has it in the region near where Pine Grove now sits, a bustling collection of settlers called the area their home. Life was far from easy. Besides dealing with the harsh elements of life in general, these settlers also dealt with rugged terrain, hungry predatory wildlife,and indigenous people not particularly fond with their presence. Legend says during the spring and summer months hundreds of years ago, a terrible drought took hold on the area. The lack of water caused numerous issues for the people and eventually resulted in their crops withering and dying. A domino effect began which spelled doom for the settlers. Due to the lack of edible crops, wildlife became more and more scarce. The game settlers normally hunted as a supply for food migrated far away to the other side of the Blue Mountains to survive themselves. The surplus food supply dwindled quickly. The residents’ stomachs ached with hunger as they floundered to find some sort of solution. Infants and the elderly began to die. Uprooting their families and braving the Pennsylvania wilderness became a real possibility. In stepped a local man by the name Ewich Yeager.

The man was well known and respected as an experienced expert hunter. He was also a humanitarian with a heart of gold and wisdom due to his advancing age. Yager decided he could not sit back and watch his neighbors and their children perish from starvation. He gathered up his flint-lock rifle and his trusty pack of hunting dogs and set out to use his one true talent - hunting. His goal was engraved in his mind: push the game back into the area for the residents.
Upon preparing to leave, the area residents expressed their concerns. Ewich was not a young man by any stretch of the imagination. The scrupulous people knew it was a huge endeavor he was undertaking for their sake. Some people even attempted to talk the elderly man out of his idea, yet he would hear none of it. He refused any and all who offered to accompany him as well, always opting to only hunt with his pack of hounds. Ewich made up his mind, he would do his best for the small community no matter what sacrifice he needed to make.
One crisp, late autumn morning, just as the sun rose over the horizon, Yeager set out on his mission. There could be no failure. The worried residents watched on as the man slowly and valiantly walked out of sight with his pack of hunting dogs leading the way.

The day progressed quietly. The residents refocused on their survival and placed all their hope on the hunter and his hounds. The first day and night passed with no indication of progress. The fields were barren. The forest was still. The second day was a repeat of the first. All was quiet as the worst seemed imminent. The third morning began still and sullen. Without warning, the collection of hungry settlers heard a sound that surprised and startled them. A gun blast echoed far in the distance. The sound reverberated throughout the area as though summoning hope and salvation may be near.
The next day another gun blast followed by the echoed sounds of bellowing hounds as though in pursuit of injured game. To the amazement of the residents a deer, tall and fat, was spotted in the distance coming out of the deep forest into a clearing. Its white-tail bouncing in the distance signifying a glimpse of hope.
Over the next several days gun blasts followed by the barking of a pack of hounds were heard in the far distance more often. And with each long-away blast, sightings of rabbits and deer became more common. The local men took their rifles and went into the forest to feed their families. This continued until enough game was killed to sustain the residents through the winter. The community had been miraculously saved.
However, what became of the hunter? He nor his dogs were ever seen again. Some believed the hunter moved on to a different area after accomplishing his goal in hopes of helping others. Others believed the brave, elderly hunter perished attempting to help his fellow settlers. The hunter never knew if his ultimate sacrifice was in vain. But the most popular and retold belief is the hunter is still on the hunt with his pack of dogs. He wanders the wilderness channeling game towards the Pine Grove area to ensure residents will have food during harsh winter months. And the legend emphasizes the hunter will do this for all eternity to ensure generation after generation will not starve.

It is believed if a person stands within or near the thick forest when the temperatures drop, all is so quiet you only hear leaves crunch beneath your feet, and the night overtakes the day, you may experience the hunter still attempting to scare out game. The echo of a gun blast or barking and howls of hounds will faintly be heard echoingthrough the still forest. Some have even claimed to watch a big buck run past right after the unearthly blasts. Lastly, when the conditions are just right and you look towards the heavens you may just see the image of the eternal hunter, rifle in hand, appear in the sky. Almost as if reminding all those in need he is still on the hunt. His white, fluffy silhouette ensuring all he will continue to hunt for all eternity.

To all the eager hunters, keep your ears peeled for the unearthly sound of a rifle shot. Have your rifle ready, a big buck may just be getting pushed in your direction.