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Legend of Wanomanie

Haunted Anthracite Tales

Updated: Apr 27, 2023


Sharp Mountain

Throughout the Anthracite Region, many Native Americans called the forests and natural beautiful areas home, even if just for a temporary period. It seems unanimous among historians there were no permanent settlements in the immediate area of our tale. However, there were most certainly temporary settlements and known footpaths that traveled through the Anthracite Region.

The most common Native American group to occupy Eastern Pennsylvania was the Lenni-Lenape. This community was part of the Delaware Nation. The Lenni-Lenape were known to set up dwellings near rivers and streams utilizing natural resources. Often, the settlement would be for a limited amount of time until the group opted to move on to a new location.

The people of the Lenni-Lenape tribe were also well known for their emphasis on community and togetherness. Family ties were important and strong. There were three clans within the Lenape; Wolf, Turtle, and Turkey. Marriage within the same clan was frowned upon so much it was forbidden. This tidbit may have a direct connection to an infamous ghost sighting which has been claimed to be witnessed for hundreds of years.

A legend has been handed down for generations about a small group of Native Americans situated on Sharp Mountain near Pottsville. The location was said to be just South of where the Henry Clay statue currently stands. This ghostly legend tells a tale of how love knows no bounds during life or even in death. It is the tale of a young Native-American woman named Wanomani and her quest to be with her true love for all eternity.

Upon Sharp Mountain, a young Native-American woman named Wanomanie once called the wooded area home. It was said Wanomanie was as beautiful inside as she was out. The young woman had many potential suitors who fell in love with her pure spirit, intellect, and keen wit. However, even though many attempted to gain her admiration, Wanomanie had eyes for just one young man. This man was as smitten with Wanomanie as she was with him.

Over time, the connection grew and the couple truly believed they were meant to be together.

The two lovers made the choice to spend the rest of their lives together. Before officially solidifying their everlasting bond, it was required for the young man to ask her father, Sagawatch, for his daughter’s hand. Sagawatch cared deeply about his daughter and wanted her to be happy. However, he denied the request of the young man. Sagawatch favored another suitor. He believed his selection would be a better fit for his daughter, than Wanomanie’s true love.

Upon hearing her father’s decision, Wanomanie was beyond consolable. She pleaded with her father to change his mind, but it was to no avail. Wanomanie and her companion decided their love would never be halted and under no terms would they be separated. The lovers made the choice right then to spend eternity together.

On a clear fall night as a bright, waxing moon hung in the sky, the young couple ascended high towards a clearing on Sharp Mountain. They found a ledge, and slowly walked out hand-in-hand towards a small protruding cliff. The fall wind blew through the trees as the two stared into the darkness below. Turning their heads, they locked eyes for what seemed an eternity. Wanomanie and the young man stepped forward and fell towards the rocky terrain below. They disappeared into the trees and darkness.

The next morning, the couple was found next to each other lying upon the rocks. They had been killed by the fall.

It is said on misty Fall evenings, when the leaves have already changed to brilliant hues and a decaying Autumn smell hangs in the air, you may spot Wanomanie standing in the clearing upon Sharp Mountain. The young woman seems to be looking forward into the darkness. If you continue looking at the right spot at just the right time, you will see her lover appear next to Wanomanie. Just as your eyes lock in, and the realization that the sight you are witnessing is not your imagination, the young lovers will step forward, hand-in-hand, and plummet into the darkness.

As the couple falls, a whitish specter can be seen frantically looking over the cliff’s edge where the lovers had just jumped. This ghostly apparition is believed to be Wanomanie’s father, Sagawatch. Her father is forced to witness the death of his daughter for all eternity. The penance for the guilt he experiences to this day, even in death.

Adapted from:

Old Schuylkill Tales - Ella Zerby Elliot



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